Super Vegan News - Week of March 28, 2021
This week in Super Vegan News:
- Colorado activists want to outlaw "sex acts" with animals at factory farms. Colorado ranchers say such acts are business as usual. Find out more about pending legislation here.
- Vegetarian cafe flips the script on dairy vs. non dairy drink orders.
- Forest Green is the color of the most vegan sports team in the world right now. Appropriate choice.
- Vegan athlete on track to set 3 world records.
- Vegan hotel in Costa Rica awaiting your next visit...
- Want to check a hotel's eco-friendliness before you book a stay? Here are some tips.
- Watch what happened to Jamilah Lynn after a 3-day juice cleanse.
- Coalition of MPs encourage UK Prime Minister to save a billion animals a year and ban factory farming now.
- New study finds 2-3 slices of bacon a day will not keep Dementia away. Encourage your loved ones to try something less pig-headed for breakfast today.
- Looking for another reason to get even more plant-based than pescatarian? Check out Seaspiracy.
What's Super Vegan at The Market This Week? Quickie Tarot Energy Readings by Yadabe. Bonus: Complete your Natal chart to access your sun, moon, and rising signs and gain even greater insight into how planetary movements will be affecting your experiences from 3/28-4/3. Double Bonus: Follow Super Vegan Sundays on Clubhouse and speak to the High Priestess yourself!