Super Vegan News
Super Vegan News - Week of June 6, 2021
Who's the Queen saving deadstock fabrics from ending up in landfills? Does your favorite website have a big carbon footprint? Will the next mayor of New York City have a vegan agenda?
What's Super Vegan at The Market This Week? The wonderful feeling of a can! Moment Botanical Waters Now @!
Super Vegan News - Week of April 4, 2021
Can real honey be made without bees? Do you want to make fake cheese that really melts? How many baby ducks and chickens are used as Easter picture props each year and then promptly discarded? Also, did we forget about "Easter Monday" or was that never actually a thing?
What's Super Vegan at The Market This Week? Keto cookies and Frozen Donuts so healthy you could eat them for breakfast. Check out Planet Bake's full vegan sweets selection here.
Super Vegan News - Week of March 28, 2021
What happens after 3 days of juice? What happens after 3 slices of bacon? What happens to the beef industry once Colorado outlaws "sex acts" with animals? Sounds like 3 good reasons to Go Super Vegan! Get those & more plant-based talking points to use at the next non-vegan cookout you get invited to.
Super Vegan at The Market This Week: Quickie Tarot Energy Readings for All Signs (Sun, Moon, & Rising) by Yadabe. Looks like another 3 for Aries!
Super Vegan News - Week of March 21, 2021
Where do vegan Olympians and Cartoon Superheroes get their protein? Can you wear mushrooms even if you don't like to eat them? And just how many plastic bags does it take to make a period pad?
Super Vegan at The Market This Week: Mother Nature Organics and creamy Tahini you're gonna wanna pour on everything!
Super Vegan News - October 25, 2020
There's plenty of vegan news to rave about this week, and we've got our microphone turned up extra loud, because GARLIC KNOT VEGAN PIZZA IS NOW at! Stop your drooling already and get it shipped straight to your house!
Super Vegan at the Market This Week: Pascuale's Pizzeria.