Super Vegan News
Super Vegan News - Week of April 4, 2021
Can real honey be made without bees? Do you want to make fake cheese that really melts? How many baby ducks and chickens are used as Easter picture props each year and then promptly discarded? Also, did we forget about "Easter Monday" or was that never actually a thing?
What's Super Vegan at The Market This Week? Keto cookies and Frozen Donuts so healthy you could eat them for breakfast. Check out Planet Bake's full vegan sweets selection here.
Super Vegan News - Week of March 28, 2021
What happens after 3 days of juice? What happens after 3 slices of bacon? What happens to the beef industry once Colorado outlaws "sex acts" with animals? Sounds like 3 good reasons to Go Super Vegan! Get those & more plant-based talking points to use at the next non-vegan cookout you get invited to.
Super Vegan at The Market This Week: Quickie Tarot Energy Readings for All Signs (Sun, Moon, & Rising) by Yadabe. Looks like another 3 for Aries!
Super Vegan News - Week of January 24, 2021
Should non-vegans receive organ donations from vegans? Why are dairy legislators fighting so hard for the wrong things? Will the people choose Elderberry over Coronavirus vaccines? We hope so.
Super Vegan at The Market This Week: Organic Elderberry Elixir for colds, flus, and respiratory issues! Got another type of bug? EcoPest Labs has non-toxic solutions for gnats and bed bugs. Gotta catch 'em all!